31 May 2025

10k | Half Merry | 50k

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An industry-leading podcast about the heart of trail +ultra running.


A mobile app for hosting and finding run clubs.


A running ecosystem of events, media, event media, + mobile app technology built to champion the heart of running, not the performance.

BORDERLANDS formed out of a deep love for the sport from someone who sucks at it.

Running is the greatest sport in the world, and it has little to do with how fast you are. The most inspiring runners aren’t defined by their performances but by the size of their hearts.

Yes, incredible performances are thrilling, but long after those fade, we’ll still toe the line of absurd distances because our hearts simply won’t let us stay away.

About the founder, Josh Rosenthal

Born and raised in Lubbock, Texas, I carry the indomitable spirit of the frontier in my veins.

The rugged, open expanses of West Texas instilled in me a 'gut-it-out' resolve, teaching me to thrive in unforgiving landscapes and carve success out of the most challenging terrains.

I moved to Salt Lake City in 2002 for college and haven’t left. Utah is innately entrepreneurial and I am better for being here.