Impressions of Norda: Obsessed with Excellence and Hospitality

Norda punches like a $50M company with the values of a local small business.

Norda Run is redefining the running super shoe with its upcoming 005 trail running 'Race Days' shoe. But they've already built a wildly committed fan base with their 001, 002, + 003.

Norda is as cool of a company as it is high quality. Yes, their shoes are functionally in the top of the class, but they carry a cool factor that few running shoe companies can match.

I spent a day with them at Paris Fashion Week 2025 and not only observed a company growing exponentially but one that also carries a hospitality and warmth like few brands I've seen.

These are my impressions of Norda.

  • 00:31 Partners

  • 1:34 I'm a Champion of Brands, not a critic

  • 3:15 Surface level contradictions

  • 7:00 Product Market Fit, is your hair on fire

  • 9:54 Innovation in a comples supply chain

  • 12:53 Balance of Luxury, Premium, Value

  • 20:05 Norda is a natural expression of Nick + Willa



---- Partners ----

Naked Sports Innovations - the worlds best hydration belt

TMRW Coffee - Code Borderlands for 20% off

Salt Lake Footshills Trail Races. Salt Lake City, UT - May 31, 2025

PATH Projects - My favorite running shorts, Borderlands10 for 10% off.



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